At the core of our production processes lies the principle that we must satisfy present requirements while safeguarding the potential of future generations to fulfil their own needs. Our out-grower farms hold certification to the Rainforest Alliance standard, emphasizing the crucial facets of sustainable agriculture: environmental well-being, economic viability, and social fairness.
With our highly valuable extension function, we provide comprehensive support to our farmers, offering inputs and innovative agronomic techniques to enhance their productivity.
Githioro Farm
Located to the east of the Aberdare ranges, this region experiences a substantial amount of rainfall, contributing to its immensely fertile climatic conditions. As a result, this area has become a hub of agricultural productivity. This unique environment provides an ideal setting for cultivating Eucalyptus grandis, the primary source of fuelwood for our factory operations.
Flyover Farm
Situated along the eastern perimeter of the Great Rift Valley, the subtropical climate, coupled with notable levels of rainfall, creates a highly conducive environment for the thriving growth of Eucalyptus grandis. Our expansive gum plantation, renowned for its size, is the second fuelwood source for our factory operations.